sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2025



The Air Traffic Controller's radar screen demonstrates that there is NO PRECISION for each aircraft geographical position in the target presentation on the radar screen. The targets are shown as if the helicopter had already passed behind the CRJ7 plane. In conclusion, the ATC see the target in FALSE position. There is an ERROR between the target shown on radar screen and the real aircraft position.

In the next second, the plane descends 300 feet and collides with the helicopter.

sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2025



On the very moment the GLIDE SLOPE is intercepted the CROSS BUS TIE RELAY automatically opens.

 The CROSS BUS TIE RELAY opens to isolate the navigation receivers and Flight Control Computers. The RELAY opening prevents all approach phase data be removed from FDR because of only one electrical failure.

The CROSS BUS TIE RELAY also opens when the BUS TRANSFER switch is moved to OFF.

 If NORMAL power sources to DC BUS fail, the emergency source of DC power is the batteries.

 If both generators come disconnected from the BUS TRANSFER BUS, the AUTOPILOT disengages and it can't be ENGAGED up to the generators are available. The plane must be piloted MANUALLY. It will be hard work.

With no electrical source available, the batteries can supply electrical power up to minimum of 60 minutes.


Cockpit Voice Recorder

The cockpit voice recorder uses four independent channels to record flight deck audio for 30 minutes or 120 minutes. Recordings older than 30 or 120 minutes are automatically erased. One channel records flight deck area conversation using the area microphone. The other channels record individual ACP output (headset) audio and transmissions for the pilots and observer. (Aircraft fit dependent) The RIPS (Recorder Independent Power Supply) provides power to the cockpit voice recorder for 10 minutes after aircraft power is interrupted either by normal shutdown or by any other loss of power. Normal power supply 115V TRANSFER BUS 2 and 28 V from DC BUS 2.

VOICE RECORDER Switch (when fitted):

AUTO - powers the cockpit voice recorder from first engine start until 5 minutes after last engine shutdown

ON - powers the cockpit voice recorder until the first engine start, then trips the switch to AUTO. On aircraft with no switch the voice recorder is active anytime 115V AC is applied to airplane.

As soon as the aircraft has intercepted the LOCALIZER course, following that the pilot attention will be on GLIDE SLOPE interception.


Emergency source for:

- Static Inverter/AC Standby Bus

- DC Standby Bus

- Battery Bus

- Hot Battery Bus

- Switched Hot Battery Bus

The Static Inverter changes 24 DC power to 115 AC power for the AC STANDBY BUS.

The HOT BATTERY BUS is always connected to the battery, and all its components operate as long as the battery voltage is above a minimum value.

The pilot must move the BUS TRANSFER switch to OFF position and turn off the HIDRAULICS ELECTRIC PUMPS.

After trying to restore the generators, if both GEN OFF BUS (L & R) lights stay ON, the pilot must land the plane ASAP.

The CVR is a customer option, popular choices are the L-3 FA2100 and Honeywell 980-6020/980-6022. Both manufacturers offer these with a crash survivable memory unit (CSMU) for protection of the solid state voice recording memory. The capacity of the CSMU is a customer option, legally the state of registration may only need 30 minutes. The CSMU retains the most recent 30 or 120 minutes of audio, digital, and timing information. Unless you know the part number of the CVR installed, you will not know if it is a 30 minute or 120 minutes capacity, they look identical.

Another customer option is the overhead "Voice Recorder" switch, with ON and AUTO positions. If it has that switch it should shut down 5 minutes after the engines are shut down (based upon oil pressure), if it does not have that optional auto switch it can record whenever 115V is supplied.

sexta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2025



UBATUBA (SDUB) SP, BRAZIL 23° 26' 29" S, 045° 04' 34" W

RWY 09 FST 380M CLSD for LDG


14 CFR 135.385(b), and says (in part):

no person operating a turbine engine powered large transport category airplane may take off that airplane unless its weight on arrival ... would allow a full stop landing at the intended destination airport within 60 percent of the effective length of each runway

So to follow the regulation by the letter, you need to take 60% of the runway length and compare it to your actual landing distance.

 Nenhuma pessoa operando um avião de grande categoria de transporte movido a motor com turbina pode decolar esse avião, a menos que seu peso na chegada ... permitiria um pouso completo no aeroporto de destino pretendido dentro de 60% do comprimento efetivo de cada pista.

Portanto, para seguir o regulamento juridicamente, você precisa pegar 60% do comprimento da pista e compará-lo com a distância real de pouso.

 14 CFR 135.385(d) says:

(d) Unless, based on a showing of actual operating landing techniques on wet runways, a shorter landing distance (but never less than that required by paragraph (b) of this section) has been approved for a specific type and model airplane and included in the Airplane Flight Manual, no person may take off a turbojet airplane when the appropriate weather reports or forecasts, or any combination of them, indicate that the runways at the destination airport may be wet or slippery at the estimated time of arrival unless the effective runway length at the destination airport is at least 115 percent of the runway length required under paragraph (b) of this section.

 (d) A menos que, com base na demonstração de técnicas reais de pouso operacional em pistas molhadas, uma distância de pouso mais curta (mas nunca inferior à exigida pelo parágrafo (b) desta seção) tenha sido aprovada para um tipo e modelo de avião específico e incluída no Manual de Voo do Avião, nenhuma pessoa pode decolar um avião turbojato quando os boletins meteorológicos ou previsões meteorológicas apropriados,  ou qualquer combinação deles, indicam que as pistas do aeroporto de destino podem estar molhadas ou escorregadias no horário estimado de chegada, a menos que o comprimento efetivo da pista no aeroporto de destino seja de pelo menos 115 por cento do comprimento da pista exigido no parágrafo (b) desta seção.

So basically, you use the information from your AFM for wet runway landing distance, or if it isn't provided (since it isn't required), you do the same calculation that you did before but include an additional 15%.

Então, basicamente, você usa as informações do seu AFM para a distância de pouso na pista molhada ou, se não for fornecida (já que não é necessária), você faz o mesmo cálculo que fez antes, mas inclui um adicional de 15%.

Cada vez que um pneu principal passa em uma poça de água, a RPM (Rotação Por Minuto) desta roda diminui muito em relação à outra roda no outro lado que não está passando em poça de água (RPM maior).

A roda que passa na poça de água, contém um dispositivo chamado TRANSDUCER, o qual compara as RPM das duas rodas e libera a rotação da roda mais LENTA. Neste instante esta roda mais lenta não aceita FREIO, pois está precisando girar mais rápido para acompanhar a rotação da roda do outro lado (mais rápida), em sendo assim, o avião não consegue diminuir significativamente a velocidade. Diminui, mas não o suficiente para parar.

Each time a main tire passes through a puddle of water, the RPM (Rotation Per Minute) of this wheel decreases greatly relative to the other wheel on the other side that is not passing through a puddle of water (higher RPM).

The wheel that passes through the puddle of water contains a device called TRANSDUCER, which compares the RPM of the two wheels and releases the slower wheel rotation. At this moment, this slower wheel does not accept BRAKES, because it needs to rotate faster to keep up with the rotation of the wheel on the other side (faster), so the plane cannot significantly slow down. It decreases, but not enough to stop.

quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2025



제주항공 사고기 블랙박스 2종, 사고 4분 전부터 기록 멈춰

Jeju Air Accident Plane 2 Types of Black Boxes, Recording Stopped 4 Minutes Before Accident

quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2025

GLIDE FLIGHT – HOW TO - Azerbaijan Airlines EMB-190AR Flight J28243 and Air Transat Flight 236 A330-243


Captain struggling to not let the plane plunge into the sea

How far can a commercial aircraft fly with total engine failure?


Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3C

Les Glatt, Ph.D, ATP/CFI-AI, AGI/IGI

Brown & Brown Insurance Brokers (UK) Limited

Accident Investigation Final Report

All Engines-out Landing Due to Fuel Exhaustion

Air Transat

Airbus A330-243 marks C-GITS

Lajes, Azores, Portugal

24 August 2001


Azerbaijan Airlines Airbus 330-243 almost plunged into the Caspian Sea before the accident in Kazakhstan

The gray color graphic line [Vertical rate (feet per minute)] shows the plane climbing up and down and the captain struggling to not let it plunge into the sea, as illustrated on the image below.

Captain struggling to hold the flight level

How far can a commercial aircraft fly with total engine failure?

The furthest flown by a passenger jet without engines was in 2001. An Air Transat Flight 236 was a transatlantic flight bound for Lisbon, Portugal, from Toronto, Canada. The plane carrying 293 passengers and 13 crews lost all engine power because of fuel leak, so it ran out of fuel caused by improper maintenance while flying over the Atlantic Ocean on August 24, 2001, as unbeknownst to anyone it had been leaking fuel ever since leaving Toronto six hours prior. Without any power, Captain Robert Piche and First officer Dirk DeJager glided the Airbus A330 for 19 minutes, covering 75 miles before landing safely at Lajes Air Base.

It is necessary that they be performed more subconsciously than other maneuvers because most of the time during their execution, the pilot will be giving full attention to details other than the mechanics of performing the maneuver.

A glide is a basic maneuver in which the airplane loses altitude in a controlled descent with little or no engine power.

Forward motion is maintained by gravity pulling the airplane along an inclined path, and the descent rate is controlled by the pilot balancing the forces of gravity and lift.


Pitch angle = FPA + AOA

Pitch Angle = Flight Path Angle + Angle-of-Attack

(below the horizontal) + (chordline is above the velocity vector)

Glides are directly related to the practice of power-off accuracy landings.

They have a specific operational purpose in normal landing approaches and forced landings after engine failure.

The glide ratio of an airplane is the distance the airplane travels in relation to the altitude it loses. For example, if an airplane travels 10,000 feet forward while descending 1,000 feet, its glide ratio is 10 to 1.

The best glide airspeed is used to maximize the distance flown.

This airspeed is important when a pilot is attempting to fly during an engine failure.

When gliding at airspeed above or below the best glide airspeed, drag increases.

The best airspeed for gliding is one at which the airplane travels the greatest forward distance for a given loss of altitude in still air.

Source: Les Glatt, Ph.D, ATP/CFI-AI, AGI/IGI

(1) When the engine fails, the first step is to establish the aircraft at the airspeed

for best glide.

(2) This best glide airspeed allows the aircraft to fly at its maximum L/D ratio,

which allows the aircraft to glide the farthest horizontal distance for the least

loss in altitude.

(3) The best glide airspeed is given in the POH in the section entitled

“Emergency Procedures”.

(4) The airspeed that is shown is for the aircraft being loaded to gross weight.

(5) A rule of thumb to obtain the best glide speed at any aircraft weight is to

reduce the best glide airspeed at gross weight by one-half the percent

reduction in gross weight. Thus, if the aircraft is loaded to 10% below gross

weight, you should reduce the best glide speed at gross weight by 5%.

This relationship is the most fundamental relationship for gliding flight.

It gives us the flight path angle as a function of the lift to drag ratio.

The L/D can also be obtained from the POH by viewing the “Maximum Glide” chart in the “Emergency Procedures” section. Figure 3 shows a “Maximum Glide” chart” for a C-172. Note that this chart corresponds to a C-172 at gross weight, 65KIAS, propeller windmilling, flaps up and zero wind.

The L/D ratio can be obtained by dividing the 18 nautical mile distance in feet by the height above the terrain at 18 nautical miles, which is 12000 feet. This ratio is determined to be 9.09. If one substitutes the value of L/D of 9.09 into the glide path equation (5), the flight path angle is determined to be 6.3 degrees below the horizon.

This glide path angle is independent of the aircraft altitude or weight of the aircraft.

In the case of a C-172, the flight path angle was shown to be 6.3 degrees below the horizontal. The maximum L/D for a C-172 occurs somewhere between 6- and 9-degrees angle-of-attack. Using the expression in equation (1), the pitch angle would be somewhere between 0 and 3 degrees above the horizon. Thus, basic aerodynamics tells us that the same pitch attitude should be flown, independent of the weight of the aircraft or the altitude. The exact pitch attitude can be determined either by a plot similar to Figure 4 for a C-172, or one can load the aircraft to gross weight, reduce the power to idle and trim the aircraft to 65KIAS. The pitch attitude for the best glide speed should be noted and that pitch attitude should be used for simulated emergencies, no matter what the weight of the aircraft.

Flight instructors should teach student pilots to establish a given pitch attitude

when simulating engine failures, rather than to chase the airspeed, which is going to be dependent on the weight of the aircraft. By establishing the proper pitch attitude at different aircraft weights, the student can observe the resultant airspeeds for the same pitch attitude and thus correlate that with the statement that “the best glide

 speed is reduced by half the percent reduction in gross weight”. We try to teach our students to maintain visual cues outside the aircraft and setting up a specific pitch attitude for engine-out emergency simulations allows the student to do just that, keep his head out of the cockpit.

A stabilized, power-off descent at the best glide speed is often referred to as a normal glide. The beginning pilot should memorize the airplane’s attitude and speed with reference to the natural horizon and note the sounds made by the air passing over the airplane’s structure, forces on the flight controls, and the feel of the airplane.


Consider an executive jet that has a weight of 10,000 lbs, a wing area of 200 ft2, and a parabolic drag polar*

We would like to calculate the glide range and L endurance from 20,000 ft. We would like to compare the range and endurance for a max range flight condition with that for a max endurance flight condition.

* Parabolic Drag Polar, it shows the aerodynamic efficiency of a given aircraft - that is, it represents the lift-to-drag ratio.

 An Exact Solution for Glide Endurance

 It turns out that we can get an exact solution for the glide time if we assume a standard atmosphere. The equation we developed for sink rate is:


The crew initiated a diversion from the flight-planned route for a landing at the Lajes





The crew advised Santa Maria Oceanic Control that the flight was diverting due to a fuel shortage.




The crew notified air traffic control that the right engine (Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent

772B) had flamed out.




When the aircraft was about 65 nautical miles from the Lajes airport and at an altitude of about FL 345 [34,500 feet], the crew reported that the left engine had also flamed out and that a ditching at sea was possible.




The aircraft landed on runway 33 at the Lajes airport.