aircraft, registered B-1791, was 6.8 years old and completed 8,986 flight
cycles. It had not met the ‘pickle fork’ inspection threshold of 22,600
flight cycles.
A aeronave,
registrada B-1791, tinha 6,8 anos e completou 8.986 ciclos de voo
[decolagem/pouso]. Não havia atingido o limiar de inspeção do "garfo de picles" de 22.600 ciclos de voo.
forks are “designed to last more than 90,000 landings and takeoffs without
cracking…and there could be dire results if the system fails”. A former
Boeing engineer who asked to remain anonymous tells KOMO that the issue is
especially concerning as it was found relatively early in the plane’s
"Garfos de picles” são projetados para
durar mais de 90.000 pousos e decolagens sem quebrar... e pode haver
resultados terríveis se o sistema falhar". Um ex-engenheiro da Boeing que pediu para permanecer anônimo diz
à KOMO que o problema é especialmente preocupante, pois foi encontrado
relativamente cedo no serviço do
unusual to have a crack in the pickle fork. It’s not designed to crack that
way at all. Period.”
"É incomum ter uma
rachadura no garfo de picles. Não foi feito para quebrar dessa forma. Ponto
found in critical part (called a pickle fork) that keeps wing attached to
737-NG (not MAX) fuselage. One found earlier in month, now more on other
planes. Found early in plane's lifespan. Boeing & FAA scrambling to find
extent of problem.
encontradas na parte crítica (chamada de garfo
de picles) que mantém a asa presa à fuselagem 737-NG (não MAX). Um
encontrado no início do mês, agora mais em outros aviões. Encontrado no início da vida útil do avião. Boeing & FAA lutando para encontrar extensão do
cracks were found in the pickle forks of Boeing’s 737 New Generation family,
which includes the 737-800, in 2019.
Rachaduras [finas como] fio de cabelo foram encontradas nos garfos de picles da
família 737 New Generation da Boeing, que
inclui o 737-800, em 2019.
FAA will required operators on certain Being 737 NG jetliners to conduct
inspections for structural cracks. Boeing notified the agency of the matter
after it discovered the cracks while conducting modifications on a heavily
used aircraft. Subsequent inspections uncovered similar cracks in a small
number of additional planes. The FAA have instructed operators to conduct
specific inspections, make any necessary repairs and to report their findings
to the agency immediately.
A FAA exigiu que
os operadores de certos jatos 737 NG realizassem inspeções para rachaduras estruturais. A Boeing notificou a agência acerca do
assunto depois que descobriu as
rachaduras enquanto conduzia modificações em uma aeronave muito usada. Inspeções subsequentes descobriram rachaduras
semelhantes em um pequeno número de aviões adicionais. A FAA instruiu os
operadores a realizar inspeções específicas, fazer os reparos necessários e
informar suas descobertas à agência imediatamente.
Pickle Forks Cracks
Rachaduras de Garfos de Picles
after the utensil used to pierce and handle pickles, pickle forks are the
component that attach the plane’s body to its wing structure. These
components help to “manage the stress, torque and aerodynamic forces that
bend the connection between the wings and the body of the jet”.
Com o nome do
utensílio usado para perfurar e manusear picles,
garfos de picles são o componente
que prende o corpo do avião à estrutura da asa. Esses componentes ajudam a
"gerenciar o estresse, o torque e
as forças aerodinâmicas que dobram a conexão entre as asas e o corpo do
planes are supposed to make up to 90,000 flights throughout their life
without such structural damages. The first inspection round showed that the
problem is systematic and serious:
Os aviões devem efetuar
até 90.000 voos ao longo de sua vida
sem tais danos estruturais. A primeira rodada de inspeção mostrou que o problema é
sistemático e grave:
results of the first week of inspections are 5% of the inspected aircraft
have cracks with the lowest flight cycle aircraft with cracks at 23,600
Os resultados da
primeira semana de inspeções são que 5% das aeronaves inspecionadas têm rachaduras em aeronave com
menor ciclo de voo apresentadas
rachaduras em [ciclo] com 23.600 voos.
plane will take three weeks to repair. But the supply of replacement parts
for the cracked component is limited and it may take longer to produce new
Cada avião levará
três semanas para ser consertado. Mas o fornecimento de peças de reposição
para o componente rachado é limitado e pode levar mais tempo para produzir
is not clear yet what causes the cracks in the forged aluminum part. Many older
NG were retrofitted with winglets on the tips of their wings. These may have
led to unforeseen loads or vibrations. It is possible that some of the
younger 737 NG airplanes have a similar problem.
Ainda não está
claro o que causa as rachaduras na parte de alumínio forjado. Muitos NG mais
velhos foram adaptados com “winglets”nas pontas de suas asas. Isso pode ter
levado a cargas ou vibrações imprevistas. É possível que alguns dos aviões mais jovens
de 737 NG tenham um problema semelhante.

TO: Boeing Correspondence (MOM)
[MESSAGE NUMBER:MOM-MOM-19-0536-01B] Multi Operator Message
MESSAGE DATE: 30 Sep 2019 1731 US PACIFIC TIME / 01 Oct 2019
0031 GMT
This message is sent to all 737NG Customers, Regional Directors,
Regional Managers and Boeing Field Service Bases.
CATEGORY: Maintenance, Engineering, Flight Operations, Safety,
SERVICE REQUEST ID: 4-4593495493
ACCOUNT: Boeing Correspondence (MOM)
DUE DATE: No Action Required
ATA: 5300-00
This message is sent to advise all 737NG operators of a Safety
Service Related Problem (SRP) which will result in an Alert
Service Bulletin 737-53A1395. This message provides 737NG
operators with inspection details, inspection methods, and an
inspection results report example, prior to the release of
Service Bulletin. The Boeing Company requests that operators
report back to The Boeing Company the inspection results, even
if there is no crack finding. The Boeing Company anticipates
that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will mandate the
actions defined in this multi-operator message (MOM) through the
Immediate Adopted Rule (IAR) process.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June 2, 1999, the FAA received a report of a severe vibration incident on a Boeing Model 737-800 series airplane, which had accumulated 3,517 total flight hours and 1,284 total flight cycles. The airplane was involved in a high-speed descent with speed brakes extended while operating at an airspeed of 320 knots. During the descent, severe vibration occurred at 250 knots. At 230 knots, the speed brakes were retracted and the vibration stopped. The landing was uneventful.
Inspection of the airplane revealed that the upper flange of the right elevator tab mast fitting, to which the elevator tab push rods are attached, was found fractured. The lower flange of the fitting was not damaged. In addition, excessive freeplay in the elevator tab also was observed and measured during the inspection.
Further analysis confirmed that the damage to the fitting was aggravated by speed-brake-induced airframe vibration. Such vibration could lead to damage of the elevator tab mast fitting, excessive freeplay in the tab, and consequent separation of the tab mast fitting from the tab. Excessive freeplay in the tab could result in severe airframe vibration and consequent damage to the tab, elevator, and horizontal stabilizer. Separation of the elevator tab mast fitting will result in a free tab. These conditions, if not corrected, could result in loss of controllability of the airplane.
Eastern Airlines flight MU5735:
second black box found
March 27, 2022
plane’s data recorder could reveal details of its speed and altitude before
it crashed in southern China
O gravador de
dados do avião pode revelar detalhes de sua velocidade e altitude antes de cair no sul da China.
black box was found buried under 1.5 meters of soil and will be flown to Beijing
for analysis, state broadcaster CCTV reports
A “caixa preta”
foi encontrada enterrada sob 1,5 metros de solo e será levada para Bejing
para análise, informa a emissora [chinesa] estatal CCTV.
workers have found the second black box of China Eastern Airlines flight
MU5735 , Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reported on Sunday, potentially
offering vital clues about the accident in which 132 people died. The flight
data recorder was found around 9.20am buried about 1.5 meters (5 feet) under
the soil at the mountainous crash site in the southern Chinese region of
Guangxi, the report said. “It was cylindrical and covered in soil,” Chen
Xiaohui, the deputy commander of the fire brigade in the regional capital Nanning,
told CCTV.
trabalhadores da recuperação encontraram a segunda “caixa preta” do voo MU5735 da China Eastern Airlines,
informou a emissora estatal chinesa CCTV neste Domingo [27/03],
potencialmente oferecendo pistas vitais sobre o acidente em que 132 pessoas
morreram. O gravador de dados de voo
[FDR] foi encontrado por volta das 09:20 horas [Hora Local] enterrado a cerca
de 1,5 metros sob o solo no local montanhoso da queda na região sul de Guangxi
na China, segundo o relatório. "Era cilíndrico e coberto de barro",
disse Chen Xiaohui, vice-comandante da
brigada de incêndio na capital regional Nanning, à CCTV.
device will be flown to Beijing for data analysis alongside the cockpit voice
recorder, which was found on Wednesday. The flight data recorder stores
important data such as the flight path, speed, altitude and engine power,
which can reveal whether human error or instrument problems could have
contributed to a crash. Searchers had been using metal detectors to look for
the device in hilly countryside near Wuzhou city.
O dispositivo
será levado para Pequim para análise de dados ao lado do gravador de voz do cockpit,
que foi encontrado na Quarta-feira [23/03]. O gravador de dados de voo armazena dados importantes, como a rota de voo, velocidade, altitude e
potência do motor, que podem revelar se erros humanos ou problemas de
instrumentos podem ter contribuído para uma queda. Os pesquisadores estavam
usando detectores de metais para procurar o dispositivo em um campo montanhoso
perto da cidade de Wuzhou.