At 6:17 a.m. on Dec. 28, three minutes after air traffic control unsuccessfully tried to make contact and asked nearby aircraft to try to locate QZ8501, the A320 turned to the left and it began to climb from its altitude of 32,000 ft (9,750 metres), Jonan told a parliamentary hearing.
The rate of the climb increased rapidly within seconds to 6,000 ft a minute, before accelerating further to 8,400 ft a minute and finally 11,100 ft. The aircraft reached 37,600 ft just 54 seconds after it began to climb before it appeared to stall.
The aircraft began to fall at 6:18 a.m., dropping 1,500 ft in the first 6 seconds before reaching a rate of descent of 7,900 ft per minute until it reached 24,000 ft, at which point it disappeared from the radar.
UPDATED FEB 04, 2015
Georgia State University acceleration was 9,53 m/s2
At flight level of 32,000 feet the acceleration of gravity is
9.77 m/s2
Human bodies exposed to such acceleration will immediately have
the blood flowing totally to feet. Therefore, both pilots (airline pilots rarely
have put their oxygen masks on above 25000 feet) will have dead faint, and passengers
as well. Unless, passenger oxygen
masks are deployed.
A aceleração foi de 9,53 m/s2
No nível de voo de 32000 pés a aceleração da gravidade é de 9,77 m/s2
O corpo humano exposto a tal aceleração de 9,53 m/s2 terá imediatamente o sangue fluindo totalmente para os pés, e por essa razão, ambos os pilotos (pilotos de linha aérea raramente colocam suas máscaras de oxigênio em altitudes acima de 25000 pés) terá desmaio profundo, e passageiros também. A menos, que as máscaras de oxigênio de passageiro sejam dispostas.
Subida Inacreditavelmente Íngreme.