Proposes Civil Penalties Against Seven Companies for Allegedly Violating
Hazardous Materials Regulations
December 15, 2014
Contact: Kathleen Bergen
Phone: (404) 305-5100; Email: Kathleen Bergen
– The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
is proposing civil penalties ranging from $54,000 to $91,000 against seven
companies for allegedly violating Hazardous Materials Regulations.
The FAA alleges that in the cases of New Chapter, Click Bond,
All Tire Supply and Kretek International, the shipments were not accompanied by
shipping papers to indicate the hazardous nature of their contents and were not
marked, labeled or packed in accordance with the Hazardous Materials
Regulations. The FAA also alleges the companies failed to provide emergency
response information and failed to ensure their employees had received required
hazardous materials training.
The allegations against Q.G. Investments, Harland Clarke and
Quimica Bicentenario are the same except the FAA is not alleging a training
violation by Q.G. Investments and is not alleging packaging violations by
Harland Clarke and Quimica Bicentenario.
The cases are as follows:
$91,000 against New Chapter, Inc. of Brattleboro, Vt. The FAA alleges that on July 11, 2013,
New Chapter offered a shipment containing a five-gallon metal drum filled with
a flammable resin solution to UPS for air transportation to Ohio. Workers at
the UPS sort facility in Louisville, Ky., discovered that approximately three
gallons of the resin had leaked from the drum.
New Chapter is scheduled to meet with the FAA in January to
discuss the case.
$81,000 against Q.G. Investments, LLC of Sanford, Fla. The FAA alleges that on Jan. 23, 2013, Q.G.
Investments offered a shipment containing 46 packages of sparklers to United
Airlines for air transportation from Orlando, Fla. to Tanzania, Africa.
Sparklers are explosive fireworks, which are forbidden aboard passenger-carrying
aircraft. United Airlines’ contract cargo handling company discovered the
shipment at Orlando International Airport.
Q.G. Investments has requested to meet with the FAA to discuss
the case.
$78,000 against Click Bond, Inc. of Carson City, Nev. The FAA alleges that on April 22, 2013,
Click Bond offered a nylon bag containing eight packets totaling one ounce of
polyester resin adhesive to UPS for air transportation from North Carolina to
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Polyester resin adhesive is a flammable liquid.
Click Bond has requested to meet with the FAA to discuss the
$66,500 against All Tire Supply Co. of Houston, Texas. The FAA alleges that on Feb. 25, 2013,
All Tire Supply offered a shipment containing four one-gallon metal cans of
paint, which is a flammable liquid, to DHL Worldwide Express for air
transportation to Sydney, Australia. Workers at the DHL sort facility in
Erlanger, Ky., discovered the shipment leaking.
All Tire Supply has 30 days from receipt of the FAA’s
enforcement letter to respond to the agency.
$65,000 against Kretek International, Inc., of Moorpark, Calif. The FAA alleges that on Dec. 13, 2012, Kretek
offered a shipment containing twelve 10.15-ounce aerosol cans of highly
flammable butane gas to UPS for air transportation from Moorpark, Calif. to
Tallahassee, Fla. Workers at the UPS sort facility in Jacksonville, Fla.
discovered the shipment during a security screening.
Kretek has requested to meet with the FAA to discuss the case.
$55,000 against Harland Clarke Holdings Corp. of San Antonio,
Texas. The FAA alleges
that on March 10, 2014, Harland Clarke offered one box containing twelve
11-ounce aerosol cans of silicone, which is a flammable gas, for transportation
aboard a UPS cargo flight from Georgia to Puerto Rico. Workers at the UPS sort
facility in Jacksonville, Fla., discovered the package.
Harland Clarke has requested to meet with the FAA to discuss the
$54,000 against
Quimica Bicentenario de la Ind., of Guadalajara, Mexico. The FAA alleges that on June 12, 2014, Quimica
Bicentenario offered one box containing 500 fireworks to FedEx for air
transportation to Miami, Fla. Workers at the FedEx sort facility in Memphis,
Tenn., discovered the package. Fireworks are explosives.
Quimica Bicentenario is scheduled to meet with the FAA in
January to discuss the case.