Aircraft cargo loading logistics system
A cargo loading logistics system for
verifying cargo loaded on an aircraft receives a desired restraint configuration from a database and determines an actual restraint configuration on the
aircraft by receiving data from a plurality of machine readable identifiers
corresponding to a plurality of install points and data from a plurality of
machine readable identifiers corresponding to a plurality of restraints. The
cargo loading logistics system then compares the desired restraint configuration with the actual restraint configuration and determines if the aircraft is
properly configured to be loaded for an upcoming flight.
Logísticos de Carregamento de Aeronave de Carga
Um sistema de logísticas de
carregamento de carga para verificação de carga embarcada numa aeronave recebe
uma configuração
restrita desejada de uma base de dados e determina uma configuração
restrita real na aeronave ao receber dados de uma pluralidade de máquina de
leitura de identificadores correspondente a uma pluralidade de pontos de
instalação e dados de uma pluralidade de máquina de leitura de identicadores
correspondente a uma pluralidade de restrições. O sistema de logísticas
de carregamento de carga depois compara a configuração de
restrição desejada com a configuração de
restrição real e determina se a diferença está apropriadamente configurada
para ser carregada para um voo futuro.
Astraeus Airlines Captain and legendary Iron Maiden front man, Bruce Dickinson, is the presenter of a brand new safety production. Safety in the Balance is part of a joint initiative by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the UK aviation industry to highlight the importance of safe and accurate aircraft loading.
The DVD, which is being distributed free of charge, was filmed throughout 2010 by FdA TV Production students and staff from Exeter College in Devon. It was commissioned by the Ground Handling Operations Safety Team (GHOST), a CAA/industry group committed to develop strategies to mitigate the safety risks from aircraft ground handling and ground support activities. The group is made up of representatives from UK airlines and airport operators.
Many thanks goes out to all those who made this video possible. Specially Bruce Dickinson (Astraeus) & Jason Sandever (CAA). Many thanks also to the production team from Exeter College who delivered. Staff members John Fitzsimons, Atila Mustafa and their students James Boon, Michael Court, James Large, Toby Morgan, Nicola Page, Stef Patrick, Lesley Ross & Dan Wiseman.
Watch this movie about Loading Cargo Aircraft operation (full HD) - Safety in the Balance
Boeing 747 Freighter
Cargo Volume, Main Deck
21,347ft3 (605m3)
30 pallets, 96x125in (244 x 318 cm)
Cargo Volume, Lower Deck
5,600ft3 (159m3)
32 LD-1 containers
Cargo Volume, Bulk Cargo
520ft3 (15m3)
Maximum Payload
248,300 lbs (112,630 kg)
Optional 273,300 lbs (123,970 kg) available with maximum take-off-weight
Maximum Fuel Capacity
53,765 U.S. gal (203,515 L)
Maximum Takeoff Weight
875,000 lb (396,900 kg)
Cargo loading compartments considerably differ in size,
contour, size of access doors, compartment equipment, floor bearing strength,
restraint possibilities and locations. This applies to various manufacturers
and aircraft types due to different operator requirements, even within the same
aircraft series.
It is therefore essential to consider aircraft types,
their equipment and facilities for the carriage of cargo, apart from individual
characteristics, flight category, duration of flight, etc. for the build-up of
cargo loads. This refers equally to the size and weight of individual pieces
(large and/or heavy pieces), as well as to special commodities and the lay-out
of the aircraft for bulk load or ULDs. The carriage of passenger baggage, crew
baggage, mail, service freight and company cargo as well as special commodities
may demand commodity separation, e.g. live
animals, human remains, perishable shipments, chemicals,
Similarly temperature, pressure equalisation and
ventilation may demand special facilities and considerations when accepting
cargo for carriage and may even exclude certain commodities from transportation
by air in general or for certain aircraft types in particular.