quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010

Test Your Aero Medical Knowledge - by Dr. David Bryman

Test Your Aero medical Knowledge

Dr David Bryman

Senior Aviation Medical Examiner

FAA/Transport Canada/JAA

Please answer the following questions to test your knowledge in Aviation medicine.

1. What is the main cause of decompression sickness?

a) Reduction in ambient pressure resulting in the formation of bubbles from gases dissolved in body tissues

b) And increase in ambient pressure resulting in the formation of bubbles from gases dissolved in body tissues

c) Hypoxia during high altitude flight

d) Oxygen toxicity resulting from the treatment of hypoxia

2. The symptoms of hyperventilation are similar to those of:

a.Trapped gas

b.Evolved gas



3. Which of the following is the health risk associated with cigarette smoking that is of particular importance in the aviation environment?

a. Carbon monoxide in the blood

b. Carbon dioxide in the blood

c. Nitrogen in the blood

d. Nicotine in the blood

4. The Cabin Pressurization system protects you from:

a. Hyperglycemia

b. Hypoglycemia

c. Hypoxia and decompression sickness

d. Hyperventilation and hyperthermia

5.  True or False: The body can adapt to heat better than cold?

a. True

b. False

6. ___________, ____________, & ___________are medical conditions that automatically disqualify an airman from being certificated or certificate renewal.

a. Near sightedness, myocardial infarction, & unexplained seizure

b. Diabetes mellitus, acid reflux disease, & heart replacement

c. Myocardial infarction, unexplained unconsciousness, & bipolar disorder

d. Farsightedness, halitosis, substance abuse

7. Who has the absolute final authority to review a medical disqualification after an airman has been denied a certificate or renewal?

a. The Administrator of the FAA

b. An administrative law judge appointed by the NTSB

c. The Federal Flight Surgeon

d. The President of the United States

8. In order to be considered for a special issuance medical certificate after a cardiovascular event, the applicant must first wait a period of __________.

a. 90 days

b. 6 months

c. 1 year

d. 3 years

9. What is the most significant aeromedical concern with a spontaneous pneumothorax?

a. Fits of coughing

b. Increased chance of future pneumothorax

c. Permanent lung damage

d. Fluid in the lungs

10. Which of the following personality disorders is most common among pilots?

a. Paranoid

b. Histrionic

c. Borderline

d. Avoidant

11. Which conditions often result in flight disqualification?

a. Vertigo


c. Meniere Syndrome

d. a and c

12. What are some conditions that would temporarily disqualify a pilot from flying?

a. Headache, Upper respiratory tract infection

b. Sinusitis, Acute gastroenteritis, Myalgia, Flu, Toothache

c. Use of medications to treat a minor illness (due to the effects of the medication)

d. All of the above

13. Which transplant recipients are always disqualified from flying?

a. Heart

b. Kidney

c. Liver

e. a and c

14. The following is NOT a symptom of circadian rhythm disruption.

a. Sleep disturbance

b. Euphoria

c. Changes in appetite

d. Anxiety

15. The most common in-flight medical emergency is?

A. Neurogenic syncope and cardiac episodes

B. Ebola

C. Hepatitis

D. Parasites

Answers 1A 2C 3A 4C 5A 6C 7B 8B 9B 10A 11D 12D 13A 14B 15A

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