quarta-feira, 14 de julho de 2010

Airbus 330 - Toilet and Galley under Ventilation FAULT - Limited Flight Time


Differential pressure forces waste from toilet bowls into 2 waste storage tanks. On ground, and at altitudes below 16000 feet, a vacuum generator produces the necessary pressure differential.

Clear water from the potable water system flushes the toilets.

A flush control unit in each toilet controls the flush sequence.

The Vacuum System Controller (VSC) furnishes operational information (including the waste level in the storage tank) to the flight attendant's panel, and maintenance information and a test program to the centralized maintenance system.

The waste tank has a total capacity of 700 liters (or 1050 liters if 3 tanks).

Ground personnel services the waste tank through a single service panel under the fuselage.

A manual shut-off valve on the lower right-hand side of the toilet bowl isolates an inoperative toilet.


The water and waste system :

- distributes potable water to the toilets and the galleys.
- disposes waste water.stores toilet wastes.

The system is insulated to prevent water leaks and ice build up.
The water and waste control panel is located at the forward cabin attendant's panel.
Potable water is stored in two (or three ) 350-liters tanks in the side walls of the aft cargo compartment.

While airborne, the aircraft uses bleed air to pressurize the water system ; on the ground it uses air from the service panel pressure port.

If no bleed air is available, an electrical compressor () starts automatically when air pressure is not sufficient for normal operation of potable water system.

Potable water is piped to the galleys and lavatories. Manual shut-off-valves isolate the washbasin and toilet from the water system. These valves, easily identifiable by OPEN and SHUT legends, are behind an access door under the toilet bowl (on washbasin side). A placard inside the access door gives instructions on this valve operation.

The system can be filled or drained from the service panel at the bottom of the fuselage.

For filling, the quantity is preselected on the forward attendant's panel.

Indicators on the forward attendants panel show how much water the water tanks contain.

Wastewater from the galleys and from the sinks in the lavatories drains overboard through two anti-iced drain masts.

The forward mast drains wastewater from the forward cabin ; the aft mast drains it from the aft cabin.

Differential pressure discharges the wastewater in flight, and gravity does so on the ground.

Um comentário:

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