sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

FALHA nos SIDESTICKS - AMBOS controlando - TAM 3054

Leia antes o Post "SIDESTICK - Airbus 320 - Aprendendo com Erros"

A linha AZUL nos gráficos de SIDESTICK representa o SIDESTICK do Comandante.

A linha VERMELHA corresponde ao SIDESTICK do Co-piloto.

Nos gráficos podemos notar claramente que logo APÓS a roda ESQUERDA ter tocado o SOLO às 18:48:24 o SIDESTICK do lado DIREITO ( co-piloto ) deu entrada de sinal LONGITUDINAL, sendo que o Comandante era quem estava fazendo o pouso, portanto somente o SIDESTICK do lado ESQUERDO estava controlando a aeronave.

Extato 0,5 ( meio segundo ) após a roda ESQUERDA tocar o solo houve a entrada de sinal longitudinal do SIDESTICK do lado DIREITO.

A entrada de sinal longitudinal do SIDESTICK DIREITO é uma FALHA, pois jamais o sinal deveria ter acontecido.

Um erro grave de SOFTWARE, pois quando ambos pilotos movem seus respectivos SIDESTICKS, o Flight Warning Computer = FWC dispara o alarme "DUAL INPUT". O avião estava ainda com as rodas DIREITA e do NARIZ no ar.

Nas transcrições do gravador de VOZ não há este alarme.

Pode-se afirmar que NÃO foi o Co-piloto que moveu seu SIDESTICK.

Deste instante em diante, contrariando todo o fluxograma do SOFTWARE para o pouso, percebe-se nos gráficos, os 2( dois) SIDESTICKS trabalhando por exatos 4 (quatro ) segundos. É Inadmissível.

Às 18:48:28 o SIDESTICK do Comandante parou de controlar a aeronave.

O SIDESTICK do Co-piloto continuou fornecendo entrada de sinal LONGITUDINAL até o final.
The plotted BLUE line on the SIDESTICK graph stands for the Captain’s Sidestick action.

The RED line corresponds to the Co-pilot’s Sidestick.

We can plainly notice on the graph that, after the LEFT landing gear wheel has touched down on the ground at 18:48:24, the right hand SIDESTICK (the co-pilot’s sidestick) transmitted a longitudinal INPUT signal, even though the landing was being performed by the captain with only his sidestick controlling the aircraft.
This right longitudinal INPUT signal is a FAILURE because this signal should never have occurred.

If both sidesticks are moved simultaneously, the Flight Warning Computer (FWC) will emit a call out "DUAL INPUT," the green sidestick priority light will flash in front of the pilot in control, and a red arrow light will illuminate in front of the pilot who has been deactivated, when one pilot has taken priority over the other. But, notice that there was no call out like that in the TAM 3054 Cockpit Voice Recorder transcript around that time.

There is a push-button for sidestick-takeover priority.

The last pilot to press the Takeover (T/O) push-button has priority.

A red Takeover push-button in the sidestick (which also serves as an autopilot disconnect) allows one pilot to override the other.
Pressing the Takeover push-button for 40 seconds will latch the priority condition (the pilot does not need to continue pressing the Takeover push-button). However, a deactivated sidestick can be reactivated by momentarily pressing the Takeover push-button on either sidestick.

At 18:48:24, the aircraft had its right and its nose landing gear wheels in the air.

When either pilot moves his SIDESTICK individually, the call out will be "PRIORITY LEFT" or "PRIORITY RIGHT," and a green light will come on on the corresponding priority side. See first image above.

From 18:48:24 to 18:48:28 (four seconds), both SIDESTICKS were transmitting sidestick signals.

This is completely unacceptable.

From 18:48:28 on, the plot of the captain’s sidestick shows that his sidestick was LEFT in the neutral position, and the co-pilot’s sidestick took over control of the aircraft.

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