quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009

Air France 447 - ACARS Message Meanings by FCOM

You can download a PDF file (1.7 MB) with everything you want to know by FCOM about all those issued ACARS messages on Air France Flight 447

terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2009

ICAO English Proficiency Test Samples

MC Seven Niner Eight, say your position We're clear of the runway on...er... November by Bravo, MC Seven Niner Eight
MC Seven Niner Eight, thank you. Taxi to the ramp via taxiways November and Tango. Report crossing runway One Six.Roger. November, Tango and report crossing One Six, MC Seven Niner Eight. MC Seven Niner Eight, is on November by the runway here ...er ... we can't see much because it's so foggy. Are we cleared to cross straight ahead on November?
MC Seven Niner Eight, cross runway One Six. Join taxiway November Tango on the opposite sideNovember Tango on the opposite side. We're approaching Kilo here ... oh... There's somebody taking off!
MC Seven Niner Eight, you shouldn't be near Kilo. Hold your positionTower, this is MC Seven Niner Eight. We are on a runway. I'm currently looking to the right at Kilo. We are on Two Three Right at the intersection of One Six. We did not connect on November. We are by Kilo. Kilo is to our right. We're on an active runway. MC Seven Niner Eight
MC Seven Niner Eight, Two Three Right is not an active runway Er … I’m sorry, ma’ma. we’re on Two Three Left and One Six, and I am facing Kilo. I’m looking out the window and I can see a sign that says ‘Two Three Left’ to my right, and there is a sign that says ‘One Six’ to my left and a yellow sign saying ‘Kilo’ to my right, and another sign to my left
MC Seven Niner Eight. Just go straight ahead. Tell me when you get to the next sign pleaseOK, we’re now on Two Three Left. We are approaching Kilo now
MC Seve Niner Eight. Roger. Turn right at Kilo and make a slight left turn onto taxiway Charlie. Hold short of runway Two Three RightWe’re on Kilo and we’re clear to the runway. We’re approaching Charlie on Kilo

A lack of fluency in English can cause confusion both because of mispronunciation and misunderstanding.
But too much fluency in English can also be a dangerous thing. Any idiomatic language or inappropriate plain English can cause misunderstandings.

Also, instructions spoken too quickly can be very difficult to understand.

- When talking to pilots/ controllers who don't speak native English, break up the message into its individual words by using short about a piece of information

- Speak slowly

- keep instructions short

These instructions contain 8 separate pieces of information, or 8 opportunities for miscommunication:

3890, Ground, give way to the second Dornier inbound, then taxi runway 32 left, intersection departure at Gulf, via outer, Charlie, Gulf.

Analysed cases:

First Case:
A maintenance truck called the TWR.

The controller answered, "Go ahead" and she waited for the driver to make his request.

The truck driver, thought he had received his clearance, and drove onto the runway.

Second Case:
ACFT - Carol Tower, MAT4929 holding point 23L, ready for takeoff.
CTRL - MAT4929, Hold short of runway, Carol Tower
ACFT - May we cross?
CTRL - Hold short

The captain understood "oh, sure", and crossed the runway.

Third Case:
CTRL - MAT8559, follow the aircraft in front of you 3 miles, 'he will turn right'.
ACFT - "we will turn right", MAT8559 - the pilot reads back.

Because of his strong accent, nobody realizes the mistake until the plane has gone the wrong way.

ICAO English Proficiency Test Samples

Creating a Story from Illustrations
The illustrations below show a story. You will tell the story in your own words,
based on the pictures. You have 20 seconds to prepare your story and 1 ½ minutes to tell the

Begin the story with:
“Yesterday, Captain Jane McCray was about to take off for a cross country flight.”
Now, study the pictures. (20”)

Now, tell the story. (90”)

Stating Own Idea about a Situation

Look at the picture below and provide the information below the picture. You will have 20 seconds to think about your answer, and 60 seconds to answer each question. Now look at the picture and think about your answer. (20’)

1. Describe the picture in as much detail as possible. Now describe the picture. (60’)
2. How do you think this situation occurred? Now, answer the question. (60’)

Real incident in real life is different and must be evaluated separately.

Study the following definitions:

DISTRESS: a dangerous situation requiring immediate assistance.

URGENCY: a dangerous situation not requiring immediate assistance.

For example:

Uncontrollable engine fire is a DISTRESS situation.

A passenger taken seriously ill is an URGENCY situation.

Your turn to practice.

You should classify these incidents as D for DISTRESS or U for URGENCY. Following this, you will choose from the drop-down list bellow the best action for each problem.

D U total electrical failure

D U depressurisation

D U fire in the hold

D U fire in the toilets

D U fuel endurance 10 minutes at initial approach phase

D U a bomb scare

D U injuries among passangers and cabin crew after severe turbulence
D U engine flame out

D U bird ingestion at inicial climb, one engine shut down

D U wheel well fire

D U passenger with a heart attack

ICAO ref. 9.2 and 9.3

CAA ref. 9.3 and 9.4

DGAC ref. 9.2 and 9.3

Listen to 4 non-routine situations for NON-NATIVE English pilots and controllers